

class Palin has been defined to check whether a positive number is a Palindrome number or not.
The number ‘N ‘ is palindrome if the original number and its reverse are same.
Some of the members of the class are given below:
Class name:Palin
Data members/instance variables:
num: integer to store the number
revnum:integer to store the reverse of the number
Methods/Member functions:
Palin( ):constructor to initialize data members with legal initial values
void accept( ):to accept the number
int reverse(int y):reverses the parameterized argument ‘y’ and stores it in ‘revnum’ using recursive technique

void check( ):checks whether the number is a Palindrome by invoking the function reverse( ) and display the result with an appropriate message
Specify the class Palin giving the details of the constructor ( ), void accept( ),int reverse( int ) and void check( ). Define the main( ) function to create an object and call the functions accordingly to enable the task.

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					import java. util.Scanner;
public class Palin
    int num,revnum;
    Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in);
    void accept()
        System.out.println(  "Enter a number") ;
    int reverse( int y)
            revnum =revnum * 10 + (y%10);
            return reverse(y/10);
            return revnum;

    void check()
        if( num==reverse(num))
            System.out.println(num+" is palindrome number") ;
            System.out.println(num +" is not a palindrome number") ;

    public static void main()
        Palin ob1=new Palin();
        ob1.accept() ;
        ob1.check() ;


Coding Store

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