A class Adder has been defined to add any two accepted time.
Example: Time A – 6 hours 35 minutes
Time B – 7 hours 45 minutes
Their sum is – 14 hours 20 minutes ( where 60 minutes = 1 hour)
The details of the members of the class are given below:
Class name:Adder
Data member/instance variable:
a[ ]:integer array to hold two elements (hours and minutes)
Member functions/methods:
Adder( ):constructor to assign 0 to the array elements
void readtime():to enter the elements of the array
void addtime( Adder X, Adder Y):adds the time of the two parameterized objects X and Y and stores the sum in the current calling object
void disptime( ):displays the array elements with an appropriate message (i.e. hours = and minutes = )
Specify the class Adder giving details of the constructor( ), void readtime( ), void addtime(Adder, Adder) and void disptime( ). Define the main( ) function to create objects and call the functions accordingly to enable the task.
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import java. util.Scanner;
public class Adder
int a[]=new int[2];
Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
void readtime()
System.out.println("Enter hours and minutes");
a[0]=sc. nextInt();
a[1]=sc. nextInt();
void disptime()
System. out.println("Hours=" + a[0]);
System.out.println("Minutes=" + a[ 1]);
void addtime(Adder X,Adder Y)
/* adds minutes */
a[1]=X.a[1] + Y.a[1];
/*if minutes is greater than 60 than add hours(a[1]/60) to a[0] position*/
a[0] += X.a[0] + Y.a[0];
public static void main()
Adder ob1=new Adder();
Adder ob2=new Adder();
Adder ob3=new Adder();
ob2.readtime() ;