

Define a class named BookFair with the following description: 

Instance variables/Data members:
String Bname – stores the name of the book.
double price – stores the price of the book.

Member Methods:
(i) BookFair() – Default constructor to initialize data members.
(ii) void Input() – To input and store the name and the price of the book.
(iii) void calculate() – To calculate the price after discount. Discount is calculated based on the following criteria.

Less than or equal to Rs 1000:  2% of price
More than Rs 1000 and less than or equal to Rs 3000:  10% of price
More than Rs 3000:  15% of price

(iv) void display() – To display the name and price of the book after discount.

Write a main method to create an object of the class and call the above member methods.

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					import java.util.Scanner;

public class BookFair
    String Bname;
    double price;

    public BookFair() 
        Bname = "";
        price = 0.0;

    public void Input() 
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.print("Enter the book name: ");
        Bname = sc.nextLine();
        System.out.print("Enter the price: ");
        price = sc.nextDouble();

    public void calculate() 
        double discountPer = 0;
        if (price <= 1000)
	        discountPer = 2;
        else if (price > 1000 && price <= 3000) 
	        discountPer = 10;
        else if (price > 3000) 
            discountPer = 15;
        price = price - (price * discountPer / 100);
    public void display() 
        System.out.println("Name: " + Bname);
        System.out.println("Price after discount: " + price);
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        BookFair ob1 = new BookFair();


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